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    SELECT * FROM #__jomtube_categories WHERE ID IN (2) ORDER BY family_id
    Added: 2010-04-19
    From: admin
    Views: 685
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    Added: 2010-02-06
    From: admin
    Views: 726
    Rated 0 of 5Rated 0 of 5Rated 0 of 5Rated 0 of 5Rated 0 of 5
    Added: 2010-02-06
    From: admin
    Views: 611
    Rated 0 of 5Rated 0 of 5Rated 0 of 5Rated 0 of 5Rated 0 of 5
    Added: 2010-02-06
    From: admin
    Views: 762
    Rated 0 of 5Rated 0 of 5Rated 0 of 5Rated 0 of 5Rated 0 of 5
    Added: 2010-02-06
    From: admin
    Views: 878
    Rated 0 of 5Rated 0 of 5Rated 0 of 5Rated 0 of 5Rated 0 of 5
    Added: 2010-02-06
    From: admin
    Views: 1060
    Rated 5 of 5Rated 5 of 5Rated 5 of 5Rated 5 of 5Rated 5 of 5
    Added: 2010-02-06
    From: admin
    Views: 645
    Rated 0 of 5Rated 0 of 5Rated 0 of 5Rated 0 of 5Rated 0 of 5
    Total Videos In Category (7)

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